Well, all that time and only a hat to show for it! But here's my first finished Project Spectrum item; not much to look at, I know, but right now is not a good time as far as my creative juices go. I'm totally drained from the pressure of going to press with TWO publications - the regular one, plus a special supplement which has required me to produce 10,000 words of quality editorial. I'm proud of myself that I've managed it, I've obviously still got the skill and determination to do the research and writing - thankfully the drudge of making sense of press releases has not quite beaten it out of me yet! But it's taking its toll at the moment - coming up with enough headlines for 50 pages of editorial one after the other can be really tough. Working on a quarterly publication might sound like a breeze - and there are times when it's quite nice to kick back and relax a bit - but when your press day is actually a press fortnight, it can be difficult keeping the momentum going for that length of time. The Curse does his best to be supportive, but I guess it must all get a bit dull for him.
I have, however, been busy planning and coveting. Everyone seems to be making Wicked, but I'm more excited by the prospect of Green Gable and am looking forward to a bit of stash enhancement to enable this project to move ahead. I'm faced with a bit of a dilemma, however; should I do Green Gable first, or should I attack the Somewhat Cowl? I'm guessing that they will both leap onto my needles at the same time, after I've made the necessary stash-enhancement trip. I think the Cowl has more glamour, but Green Gable looks fun and funky, and is probably a quicker knit. Whatever happens, you'll read it here first!
Meanwhile, just giving it out to Yarn Harlot for her moving valentine's post. Hear hear! The Curse and I offered a toast to all singletons over our home-made dinner; we've both been there long-term, in the not-so-distant past and we appreciate the ups and downs of both sides of the coin.
how many items do you manage to knit a month? I'm very impressed.
because of CTS, my knitting is v patchy. A couple of years ago I finished a jumper for Jacob that I'd originally started knitting for my nephew Conor (who turns 11 in July....).
and I'm trying to knit a little pirate jumper for Sam that I started for Jacob.
Well it's always best to have several things on the go at once - something simple for times when you don't want to have to concentrate (in the pub or watching a good film), something small that you can take on the train/aeroplane, and something fiendishly complex for when you want to show off/be challenged. The hat only took a few hours, it was quite simple. I guess the physical restrictions must be very frustrating.
you knit in the pub???
yes, although not when the Blue Flaggers are present...!
Yup, I can vouch for the knit nurse's pub knitting!
I like the look of green gables, and it looks like a super speedy knit. I think I read something about pattern errors though, so check out the kal for those.
On the bread front, you are clearly made for baking divine cakes instead of bread!
i love all of the zephyr patterns -- you can't make a mistake choosing any of them.
Oh hello, just stumbled across you on Amy's blog Knit Nurse!
I too am suffering a bit of creative fatigue, it is this time of year honestly!
Cos it is so cold we all want to make something we can wear immediately though and so I say All Hail the Faithful ol Stripy hat (just done a variation of one myself - see my blog). Also, just finished loads of projects that can't go up on my blog until published which will not be until next winter.
I too am a pub knitter, a member of Angel Knits London. But I knit anywhere and that ain't so strange these days
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