So, it's been nearly a month since these little babies were planted. It's been a hot old month; the rose bushes down the other end of the flower bed have done well, proving that it's not all barren ground. About half of the very unpromising-looking clumps came out in a huge flourish of colour for a week or so but they are going over now.
I've been down there every few evenings with my watering can, prompting glances from the mechanics along Edward Place who all seem to work very late. A few times I've managed to persuade the Curse to accompany me carrying a big containerful of water, to give the parched ground a good soaking.
After a week or so they started peeking their little heads through the dry, dusty ground, but yesterday's torrential rain seems to have prompted them to shoot up a few inches overnight!
This is very exciting, makes me believe that they will really grow and flower. When I was examining them this evening a middle aged Chinese lady stopped for a chat, I think she was wondering what I was doing trampling around on the flower bed in my size 7 boots. I told her what they were, she was interested and surprised to hear that I had planted them, and quite delighted too.
There are various weeds also taking a hold in the flower bed, some of them quite pretty including some tiny poppies which are already flowering. Given the rate at which poppies spread in unpromising conditions, I suspect I'll be digging them up in a couple of years' time!
Since my last sunflower post I also met up with one of my commenters, who writes local blog londonslostgarden. We spent a very pleasant couple of hours chatting about gardens, local blogs and local issues, and I had a tour of her allotment in Windlass Place on the edge of Lewisham borough, and the lovely Evelyn Community Garden which is right next to it. She has volunteered use of her mattock to break up the compacted soil of the flower bed, and we are tentatively planning a bulb-planting event in the autumn.
Meanwhile any more volunteers for watering, planting and tending will be welcomed with open arms...!
Long range weather forecasting
9 hours ago
1 comment:
Hi thankss for posting this
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