Train to Portsmouth - catamaran to Ryde - train to Shanklin - bus to Ventnor - by foot to Steephill Cove. If you fancy a trip there, I suggest trying this super little pied a terre.
A lovely day out incorporating fresh crab salad, eating freshly-made cake with a local fibre artist, enjoying the views, and buying hugely-reduced-price clothes at the Hobbs outlet in Portsmouth, all sandwiched between a couple of hours' knitting on the train.
The only thing missing was a dip in the sea; unfortunately the danger flags were up.
I am horribly jealous :)
Can you paddle when the flags are up, or is it all a complete no-no?
It's ok to paddle, but the tide was so far in that there was very little sand showing and the sea was bashing on the rocks in a rather unnerving way!
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