Tuesday, October 26

Fungal foraging

In the event of a lack of posts over here I would like to point readers over to the Icehouse for a fabulous report on a fungal foray in Thetford Forest.

Leezz has posted some beautiful and inspiring photos of fungi picked on a forage in the local forest a week or so ago. The stinkhorn is particularly gross - not for nothing does this type of fungi go under the name 'Phallaceae'.  I have never seen one of these in its 'erect' state but came across a couple of eggs a few years ago - took a while to work out what they were, it seemed like someone had buried a couple of peeled, hard-boiled goose eggs in the beech leaves!


Unknown said...

You've been missed!

knit nurse said...

Aw shucks, thanks!

Pasadena Security System said...

This was a lovely blog post