Here's the teacosy (it ended up with a sprouting of i-cord on the top rather than a pom pom, and was very well received by its new owner!)
The leftover ball of yarn became the Urchin hat. Next one I make, I may adapt it to be slightly longer and a little bit looser fitting. The fact that I didn't have any 7mm needles didn't help, hence it was knitted on 6.5mm. And while I'm talking about Rowan yarn, I'll have a moan. In all my knitting experience, Rowan yarns are the ONLY yarns I have found knots in. Not just once, but more times than is acceptable. I had a particularly bad run a couple of years ago with a load of scottish tweed chunky. I got so annoyed after I found several knots in several balls that I complained to Rowan. What did they do? They sent me an apologetic letter and a free copy of their magazine, which was full of OTT catwalk designs that were of no use to me.
I was reminded of this episode last night, when I found TWO knots in a single ball of the Chunky Print. Am I the only one who's had this experience, or is it a common problem?
Mum if you are reading this, look away now!
Everyone else scroll down....
Despite the fact that they are Mum's christmas socks, she still hasn't seen them yet! Circumstances have meant that my folks still haven't got their christmas pressies, but I'm planning to remedy this situation very soon by tripping up home to see them.
The socks have been a long time coming, but are finally complete! Here they are hanging out on the balcony, drying out ready for wrapping and labelling!
They are my own toe-up pattern, I've included a rather nice Broken Rib Diagonal stitch along the front panel of the foot, and all around the leg. I picked the pattern out of the Harmony Guide 450 Knitting Stitches Volume 2. The yarn is Ophelia sock yarn from HipKnits - I like the variegated colour and the almost shiny texture of the yarn, which is 100% merino superwash, I believe.
I've also been busy with socks for myself - here's the first of a pair of basic toe-up socks knitted with the Halloweeny yarn I bought in the Yarn Yard a couple of months ago. Omigod the colours are gorgeous, and I am loving the way the colour comes out in huge diagonal washes across the foot. I also love the fact that my short row heel and magic cast-on toes end up with little thin stripes, it makes them stand out more.
They fit perfectly. I can't wait to get the second one done, and get them on! I've been modelling the first one with my Mary Jane shoes and jeans. It looks fab!
Just to finish off the new year, a Peculiar Fact about me. Am I the only person in the world who makes the effort to wind her yarn into centre-pull balls, then uses the yarn from the outside in?!
happy new year! Yup, Rowan yarns do seem to have problems with knots - i found quite a few in the Ribbon Twist I just used. What's so annoying is that Rowan is one of the most expensive brands out there, so you'd figure you pay enough not to have knots!
Ysolda Teague (designer of Urchin hat) has her own website with quite a lot of hats and things on daughters are especially taken with the skulls scarf....and if any of them loose another one I, it's New Year, can't break my resolutions yet!
I have been trying my hand at stranded knitting and the knit from the middle thing is not really working for me. I end up with hyper twisted spaghetti which is driving me mad. So I'm seriously considering knitting from the outside too.
Wow, I wish Natalie would do some more of this,it's fab!!!
Gorgeous socks. I wind my balls into centre pull balls but knit from the outside in. If I pull the yarn out from the centre Ifind that once I get halfway through the ball it collapses on itself.
the Sirdar baby bamboo I've been knitting with has quite a few knots in. Its not too bad with kiddie patterns as the rows aren't too long, but I've had to unpick a couple of rows to avoid knots mid-back/front.
I know what you mean about knots in Rowan yarns. Not good at all.
Can I be cheeky and ask where you got the pattern for the tea cosy please? it looks great and exactly what I'm looking for. I have a request for a tea cosy from a friend's husband!
Any info you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
hi Yorkshire girl
the pattern is one I made up myself I'm afraid (one of my many teacosy patterns!). It's quite simple to do your own though - this was knitted in the round from the bottom up. When you get to the spout and handle you need to go backwards and forwards on each side in turn, then join them up again and go back in the round, decreasing quite rapidly for the top. On this one, I didn't like the cast on edge at the bottom, so I went back and added a few rows of crochet to neaten it up. If you need more info, drop me an email helenarussell at ukonline dot co dot uk and I'll try to help!
many thanks :) I'll have a go and see what I can come up with! did you knit it on dpns or circular needles btw?
thanks again
ooh, sorry I can't remember! I suspect DPNs but I couldn't be sure.
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