Friday, August 28

Liesl - slightly 'armless

As promised - pictures of progress. Liesl came along very nicely during 20+ hours of flying time in the last ten days (plus of course the boring nights alone in hotels along the route. The glamour of business travel!)

I found the pattern very easy for most of the time, although when attention waned I did have to pull it back a few rows here and there. In its current form it is close fitting, but from experience I know that this yarn relaxes quite a lot when washed, so hopefully it will end up not having to stretch too much across my voluminous bosom.

Just got one sleeve to finish, and buttons to buy. And then wait for The Curse's presence to get a proper photo...!

1 comment:

Probably Jane said...

Looking good! I think I will have to add Leisl to my list. I am trying to acclimatise myself to autumn by thinking about planting my winter garden and autumn knitting...just as soon as I get knitting basket and garden tidy enough....

Thanks for the inspiration.