Well, after a weekend out in the wilds of Derbyshire, things are moving on the knitting front.
Firstly, sock news! The Monkeys are about three quarters finished - the first one was grafted at the toe on the train up to Derby, Friday night, and the second heel was turned on the train on the way back to London, Sunday afternoon. You'll see them here first. I'll be honest - although I'm very proud of the heel, it's probably the best I've done, I don't like the grafted toe any longer. Now that I've done short row toes, I don't think there's any going back. The grafted one just looks too square and blocky.
Second sock news is that I've just purchased the yarn for my secret sock pal's gift. She requested blue or brown, and I've bought a gorgeous browny/orangey skein from Natalie at the Yarn Yard. Should get that in a few days - hurray! I'm also awaiting another purchase to turn up - I'm not going to reveal what it is just yet, you'll have to wait and see!
The other major news is that I've made a pledge. Next week is Holiday time. The Curse and I will be taking the slow train(s) to Barcelona, and as all knitters know, trains=knitting time! I'm desperate to start something for myself, but with the Curse's Cardy hanging over me, I've decided I will only be allowed to take a new project with me if I've finished all the sewing on the cardy beforehand. I'm not promising to set in the zip - hell, I've got to buy the zip yet, and I know I can't do that until I've washed and blocked the cardy anyway, which could be a long operation.
So the question is, what the hell am I doing sitting here?! Got to get me downstairs and start stitching RIGHT NOW!
We must be about neck and neck with the Monkey socks now. Race to the finish? Actually, no, I bet I'd lose!
Hmm, I suspect it would be very close, given that I'm spending my spare time stitching right now. Whatever, I'm up for the challenge!
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