When I awoke this morning I realised that my knitting obsession had moved onto a new level. I'd had a dream about knitting! Yup!
Granted it was one of those panicky dreams that could have been about anything; trying to catch a plane; forgetting the way to work; getting caught at the supermarket with no clothes on etc. But this time it was about knitting. In the dream I was on a train journey, and had several large bags full of my works in progress. The other passengers took a huge interest in the bags and started getting the WIPs out and handing them round, discussing them, etc, and all the balls of wool were unravelling and rolling off down the aisle, getting tangled up and disappearing under the seats.
All of a sudden I got to my stop and had to stuff all the WIPs back into the bags, trying to gather up all the errant yarn, and reclaim the needles from the other passengers so that I could get off the train before the doors closed.
I quite often have similar dreams about catching/getting off trains/buses/planes but this is the first time they have featured knitting. I suspect this will be my new, regular anxiety dream - destined to replay in my tortured brain until some new obsession replaces it!
Long range weather forecasting
9 hours ago
Oh no! That's terrible. All that beautiful yarn tangled up, and you in a rush to get off the train. Whew, I hope you only have pleasant knitting dreams from now on! ;-)
That hasnit happened to me yet - maybe once my nightmares don't centre so much on work for my Masters I'll have it to look forward to :( I certainly spend enough time knitting after all. Don't let it put you off!
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